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Sustainable World Radio- Ecology and Permaculture Podcast

Sustainable World Radio creates podcasts about the natural world and brings you interviews and news about ethnobotany, herbal medicine, Permaculture, organic gardening, sustainability, ecology, and regenerative farming. Tune in to discover practical, earth-friendly, and nature-based solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture Ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share. 

Nov 24, 2011

Chicken expert and admirer Pat Foreman shares why she believes that chickens are an integral part of the local food movement.  Foreman, author of the books City Chicks and Chicken Tractor- The Permaculture Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Soil, talks about how chickens are talented composters, soil builders, living fertilizer machines, and bio-recyclers. Listeners beware!  According to Foreman, chickens are also the gateway to other livestock.