Nov 24, 2011
Chicken expert and admirer Pat Foreman shares why she believes that chickens are an integral part of the local food movement. Foreman, author of the books City Chicks and Chicken Tractor- The Permaculture Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Soil, talks about how chickens are talented composters, soil builders, living...
Oct 30, 2011
Author of Edible Forest Gardens- Volumes 1 and 2, Dave Jacke is a longtime permaculture teacher and designer. In this interview, he talks about the history of forest gardening, its many benefits, and how gardening like a forest can enrich your life.
Sep 5, 2011
Every two years, permaculturists from around the globe gather together at the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence (IPC). This year, the IPC takes place in Jordan and its theme is "Plan Jordan- Water For Life. Water For Nature." Margie Bushman and Wes Roe, volunteer coordinators for the IPC Support...
Aug 26, 2011
Warren Brush, Permaculture Designer and educator talks with us about his work in Africa, the power of storytelling, and why children need us to be part of the solution. Brush, co-founder of Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm, has mentored youth and educated adults around the world teaching them...
Jul 10, 2011
Have you ever wondered why we poop in fresh water? In Part 2 of an interview author Carol Steinfeld, we talk more in-depth about human waste as a resource. Carol, co-author of The Composting Toilet System Book and Reusing the Resource: Adventures in Ecological Wastewater Recycling, shares her extensive knowledge about...