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Sustainable World Radio- Ecology and Permaculture Podcast

Sustainable World Radio creates podcasts about the natural world and brings you interviews and news about ethnobotany, herbal medicine, Permaculture, organic gardening, sustainability, ecology, and regenerative farming. Tune in to discover practical, earth-friendly, and nature-based solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture Ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share. 

Nov 25, 2013

Permaculture and Ecological Designer Larry Santoyo talks with Jill Cloutier about why he feels the future is abundant, why everyone is needed, Permaculture crimes, how security is between your ears and why we should seek to be valuable, not rich. Larry Santoyo is a green business consultant and senior planner at...

Sep 22, 2013

Roberto Perez Rivero is a Permaculturist, educator and sustainability activist in Cuba. In this interview he speaks with Jill Cloutier about how his country faced "Peak Oil" in the 1990's when its petroleum and food supplies dwindled almost overnight. Perez talks about the resilience of Cuba, its transition to a mostly...

Aug 12, 2013

Christopher Shein is a Permaculture teacher, seed saver, gardener and activist. In this interview, Christopher explains the basics of Permaculture gardening. Christopher shares his knowledge about how Permaculture principles and ethics can be used in your garden to increase yields, improve plant and soil health and...

May 31, 2013

From the Sustainable World Radio archives, a lecture by the late Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop and human rights activist and educator. Anita was the author of Troubled Water: Saints, Sinners, Truths and Lies About The Global Water Crisis. Ms. Roddick's lecture was part of the Santa Barbara City College Student...

May 20, 2013

African forests need elephants. Elephants are vital forest gardeners, spreading seeds, clearing trails and keeping forests healthy. We talk with Dr. Samantha Strindberg, a conservation scientist with the Wildlife Conservation Society and co-author of a new study about the devastating decline of African Forest Elephants....